Anglo-Saxon and Viking Conflict Years 3 and 4 Detailed Unit Plan



There is an updated unit of work for this aimed at Years 5/6. This unit is not going to be updated soon and some of the suggested links are broken. The price has been heavily discounted to reflect this!


UPDATE – Please note, I am redrafting my units of work at the moment. This is not the new style of unit which includes lesson PPTs and accompanying resources.

This unit of work contains the following resources:
– 1 MTP which gives a learning overview for the unit of work, assessment opportunities and cross-curricular links
– 1 Cover sheet including assessment and numbered lesson names

– 6 Numbered detailed lesson plans including contextual information, relevant links to other periods in history, lesson plan and suggested resources
– Additional resources to support lessons where a version is not available online


It is aimed at Years 3 and 4 and contains age-approrpiate sources but please check before using to ensure they are appropriate for your class. These lessons give a clear and accurate overview to the period of history being studied. Each lesson builds on the previous ones to build up a coherent and knowledge rich understanding of aspects of Anglo-Saxon and Viking conflict including an enquiry about how we should view the Vikings and should we call Alfred ‘great’?