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Virtual 1:1

A virtual 1:1 involves a totally personalised session taking place on zoom where we can work on something you would like support with.

Forthcoming dates:

Since launching in April 2023, sessions have included:
  1. Q and A session to support a new leader to better understand their role.
  2. Embedding locality throughout the curriculum as a key thread.
  3. Planning a local history unit to ensure it was high-quality, coherent and tied into the wider curriculum.
  4. Supporting an experienced leader to analyse the current curriculum and consider where could be developed next.
  5. Defining and mapping out substantive concepts in a purposeful manner through school.
  6. Creating historical enquiry questions to actively embed the historical discipline.
  7. Using a specific curriculum to consider what assessment could look like.

How to book:

Please complete the following form. This form is to request a 60 minute session to focus on primary history curriculum development. It is not a booking but rather an expression of interest. This is a developing idea which is reflected in the limited spaces offered and reduced cost. 

Sessions will run for 60 minutes with an overrun in case it is required. They will cost £60.

The booking is not confirmed until the invoice and confirmation have been sent via email.

By completing this form, you agree for Mr T Does Primary History Ltd to contact you via email. 

Take a look at what other schools say about the Virtual 1:1 sessions…

It was great meeting with you on Tuesday.

The tailored feedback and advice were really constructive. The session has given me some great ideas to then speak with the rest of the staff; discussing how we ensure the girls are learning the necessary skills and reaching their potential in History.

B. Lowe – Withington Girls School

The 1:1 session with Stuart was invaluable. He viewed our key documents in advance and came to the session prepared with suggestions and enhancements so every minute was very well used. Throughout the session, it was very evident that he is a current teacher of primary history which made our discussion all-the-more productive; Stuart made several suggestions on how to improve our curriculum offer and at all points in the meeting I still felt well-respected as a history leader and felt that no judgements were made. He was a fountain of knowledge throughout and quickly shared links and ideas of supporting resources to enhance children’s learning further. I had no idea how much difference an individual could make in such a short time.

S. Parker-Sharp, Spring Grove Junior

Booking Form – 1:1 History Curriculum Session 

1:1 Booking Form
Which times would you prefer? (Note: your preference may not be available so the closest alternative will be offered).

Being able to have a 1:1 with such an experienced and knowledgeable Primary history expert was so invaluable. Stuart’s advise was personalised to our school and history curriculum and enabled me to get a clear understanding of the next steps for us moving forward. I would highly recommend the 1:1 sessions.

E. Rogers – Meadow Primary