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Great Fire of London Detailed Unit Plan



This unit of work contains the following resources:

– 1 Cover Sheet including assessment, sequence of learning, and specific knowledge outcomes. This now fulfils the role of the MTP so you do not need to purchase that as well.

– 6 Numbered detailed lesson plans including contextual information, substantive and disciplinary knowledge children should gain, relevant links to other periods in history, key topic-related vocabulary and disciplinary language.

– Additional resources to be used in lessons are provided including consistent use of chronology to introduce children to the fire’s position beyond living memory and how to understand it. Because of the open-ended nature of the KS1 content, schools will need to add on other units studied before the fire as this varies.

– This unit is aimed at Key Stage 1 and to add additional utility, tasks which can be implemented as oracy-led when they are listed as writing focused are highlighted with red text. Writing scaffolds are included as printable documents to guide answers. These are also built into lesson slides to enable shared writing using I do, we do, you do…

The use of a clear enquiry question to guide the learning ensures that the concepts taught are purposeful. At the end of each learning sequence, the enquiry question should be answered in a way which makes use of the knowledge gained through the study.